Dahr Jamail

Dahr Jamail is the IPS lead writer on Iraq. In that capacity he has covered Iraq directly and extensively on the ground, and at other times organised reporting out of Iraq. Several of his breaking news stories could not be covered by any other media organisations. Jamail is author of the eye-opening book ‘Beyond the Green Zone: Dispatches from an Unembedded Journalist in Occupied Iraq’. Besides reporting from within Iraq for eight months, he has been covering the Middle East for five years. A regular correspondent for IPS, Jamail has also contributed to The Independent, The Guardian, the Sunday Herald, and Foreign Policy in Focus, among others. His reporting has been translated into French, Polish, German, Dutch, Spanish, Japanese, Portuguese, Chinese, Arabic and Turkish.

Camaroneros de Mississippi no se fían del permiso para pescar

El sudoriental estado estadounidense de Mississippi reabrió todas sus áreas de pesca. Pero quienes se dedican a la captura de camarones se niegan a sumergir sus redes pues creen que las aguas y la fauna marina siguen contaminadas por el